Marketing overview

The DinoWars team conducted a full marketing analysis of the GameFi sector and its main competitors.

The applications' market in the niche of the royal battles values (App Store):

  • by installations - more than 9 million per month

  • by revenue - more than $54 million per month.

Geography of installations in a niche:

Geography by revenue in a niche:

Both in terms of installations and revenue, the leading country in this niche is the United States, which generates almost half of the revenue.

To analyze the share we selected all competitors in the App Store with similar gaming mechanics, as well as those that contain a battle royale mode. Let's take a look at the graph of each competitor's share of the total installations in the niche over the past 6 months worldwide:

This diagram shows that despite the large number of competitors, there are no monopolists and clear leaders in this segment. So, again - it is a perfect time for the DinoWars to come to the market. That is why the marketing team has already begun to prepare a plan for the promotion and growth of the game, along with the preliminary involvement of a wide list of influencers and their support. That's why the marketing team is gathered with a plan for the game promotion with the support of influencers.

You can see more detailed data on the geography of installations, as well as metadata of some of the main competitors in our detailed marketing analysis.

Last updated