DinoWars covers a special segment of Play2Earn projects – blockchain-based battle royale games. The main goal of DinoWars 🦖 is to bring the traditional mechanics of Free2Play games to the Play2Earn segment and base them on a smart contract system to maintain a transparent reward scheme and stable game balance.
There are plenty of Free2Play projects that have huge communities and mindblowing success stories, but each of them has its own problems. For instance, World of Warcraft is losing ground and needs constant updates, and Lineage is hopelessly out of date and is slowly turning into a fairly niche game. CounterStrike, in its turn, is always at the top of game lists and has high replayability but a rather narrow audience profile.
But despite some issues, each of these games is a compelling representative of the gaming segment, so DinoWars 🦖 aims to adopt their strengths and eliminate their weaknesses. We believe that only in this way will it be possible to bring the Free2Play game to the Play2Earn segment, emphasizing replayability and player engagement.
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